“In our 45 years of helping people deal with unresolved grief, one of the most poignant laments we hear repeatedly is: ‘I wish I knew WHO my dad or mom was.’ Memories For Surviving Kids is the greatest antidote for that heart-breaking dilemma.”
John W. James – The Grief Recovery Institute.
She lectures at universities, professional organizations, and major conferences. Weaving together inspiring case histories, practical advice, and experiential exercises, she provides a unique perspective to grieving through her work with the imagination. Her website wwww.alexandrakennedy.com offers strategies for grieving, tasks of grieving, how to support those who are grieving, along with articles on the loss of a parent and nurturing the inner relationship with a deceased loved one.
“This website offers a powerful process for healing grief that I am well acquainted with. As an author, psychotherapist and teacher I’ve experienced over and over the healing that can come out of writing a
letter to a person who has died– thereby nurturing the ongoing inner relationship with that person. Bob Di Pasquale proposes in his website that those who have known a child’s parents write letters to the child about his/her parents. This is a briliiant idea and offers the promise of ongoing healing to that child, every time he or she reads them. I have already referred clients to his web site and will continue to. Kudos to you Bob! ”
Alexandra Kennedy, author of Honoring Grief, Losing a Parent and The Infinite Thread
Dr. Marilyn Heins is a pediatrician, author, educator, mother, step-mother, and grandmother. She was the vice dean and professor of pediatrics at the University of Arizona College of Medicine. Currently she writes a weekly parenting column for the Arizona Daily Star and her book, “ParenTips” was published by Development Publications in 1999. Her website, ParentKidsRight.com, is popular with busy parents. She lectures widely to groups of parents, teachers, and others who work with children.
Dr. Heins: “Nothing is sadder than a bereaved child whose memories of a beloved parent are fading. Memories for Surviving Kids helps not only the children who receive the ‘Memory Letters’ and momentos but also the letter writers. How many times have you heard a person at a funeral say, ‘What can I do to help?’ MFSK is one compassionate answer to this question.”
Marilyn Heins MD, ParentKidsRight.com